The table below demonstrates some of the most important features an ERP solution can offer, divided into ten categories: Sales, Customer Relationship Management, Accounting & Finance, Marketing, Warehouse Management, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Services & Projects, Human Resources and Usability & Productivity. Startup and maintenance costs are also much lower with a cloud-hosted solution because they are frequently included in the license fee.

A cloud-based ERP is often more flexible and able to adapt to a growing and constantly changing business model such as that of a small or medium size enterprise. A cloud-hosted ERP offers a number of advantages for SMEs over a traditional ERP on a local server. For SMEs, one major factor is the choice between local and cloud hosting. With multiple ERP solutions available on the market today, choosing the right one requires considering many factors. With SMEs, this choice is particularly critical as limitations in budget and larger competitors translate into a serious need for efficiency and cost-effective design. When it comes to maintaining the complex operations of a modern business, the software platform a company chooses to use is one of the most fundamental factors in the success of the business. How can SMEs benefit from an ERP solution?